• Custom Moulds, Casting and Workshops

  • By CTW
  • March 14, 2016

Record Breaker To Mould Maker

Mould Maker - Claire Tennant Workshop

Record Breaker To Mould Maker

Record Breaker To Mould Maker 575 300 CTW

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In the ever changing life of a mould maker, I was called to a job at the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre to take hand and foot impressions of the world record breaking swimmer Ashley Callus.

Mould Maker - Claire Tennant WorkshopHis signed impression will be added to a collection of other athletes’ castings that feature around the Aquatics Centre.

With my assistant, Clint Dessmann, we arrived at the Aquatics Centre to take the impression in between Ashley’s coaching responsibilities at the State Swimming Championships.
We poured a slab of fast setting gypsum that is made especially for picking up fine detail in order for Ashley to step into.
First he put his hands in, then his feet. Once the slab was set, he stepped out and signed the slab.

Now that I have the slab, I will be making a silicone mould and then a fiberglass replication of the cast that can be framed and hung on the wall for posterity.
It was a pleasure to meet Ashley and we wish him all the best for his coaching in the future.
If you haven’t been to the Aquatics Centre, I would highly recommend it for a serious swim or a muck around in the water park. It is enormous and the facilities are world class.

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